Diving and Boating
Scuba diving at Big Creek Reserve is overseen by the UCSC Diving & Boating Safety Program. The DSP assists, trains and maintains students, faculty and staff in compliance with UCSC scientific diving regulations, as well as Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the American Academy o fUnderwater Sciences requirements.
Diving at Big Creek:
1) All UCSC science divers working on a UCSC project need to submit a dive project proposal to DSP as well as file a Big Creek use application.
2) All UCSC science divers needing proficiency dives may dive at Big Creek without a dive project proposal but need to file a Big Creek use application.
3) Non-UCSC science divers need to file a Big Creek use application. A Letter of Reciprocity (LOR) from diver’s Diving Safety Officer is required. These divers need to contact the Reserve Director and be trained when they use UCSC equipment (compressor).
Boating at Big Creek:
1) All UCSC boaters need to submit a boating project proposal to DSP as well as file a Big Creek use application.
2) Non-UCSC boaters need to file a Big Creek use application. A Letter of Reciprocity (LOR) from boater’s Boating Safety Officer is required. These boaters need to contact the Reserve Director and be trained when they use UCSC equipment (inflatable, engine).